نرحب باى استفسار من السادة الزائرين

الخميس، 5 يناير 2012


Complicated nephrolithiasis consists of a variety of stone-bearing situations depending on: 1)-the stone burden and distribution; 2)- the anatomy of the collecting system; 3)- the stone composition; 4)- the renal function; 5)- associated urinary tract infection.
The majority of complex renal stones are staghorn calculi, but also multiple stones behind in­fundibular stenosis or in a caliceal diverticulum may be complicated. Moreover, stones in renal abnormali­ties, such as horseshoe-kidney, medullary sponge kid­neys, are most frequently difficult to manage (9). Fi­nally, reduced renal function and/or infection of the renal collecting system always represents a challenge for the treating urologist. However, in the following we want to focus on the management of staghorn stones.
Principally, staghorn calculi are defined as branched stones in the renal collecting system. How­ever, as mentioned before, there are several differ­ent constellations, within this entity. This has been taken into consideration by the more complex defi­nition of Rocco et al. (10) or the PICA-classifica­tion of Griffith et al. (11). For the modern manage­ment of such stones three factors are of major im­portance to decide the optimal treatment: 1)- the overall stone burden; 2)- the localization of the stone burden (i.e. which and how many calyces are in­volved); 3)- the anatomy of the collecting­guishing between borderline stones, partial and com­plete staghorn calculi (12). Of course, the stone burden can be calculated more exactly using the area on the kidney-ureter-bladder (KUB) x-ray plan film, as proposed by Lam et al. (13). This was extremely use­ful in the evaluation of different therapeutic ap­proaches, however in the daily routine the above mention classification proved to be sufficient.
Treatment Options
Whereas in former times, only the modifica­tion of the open renal surgery, i.e. anatrophic versus radial nephrolithotomy (4,7), was discussed and even conservative management was optioned (14), nowa­days a multimodal approach has been developed to minimize morbidity of the treatment and aiming at optimal long-term results. This may include: 1)- ex-tracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy with or without indwelling stent; 2)-percutaneous nephrolithotomy using different devices for stone disintegration; 3)-the combination of both techniques as a planned pro­cedure; 4)- retrograde ureteroscopic stone disintegra­tion using a holmium laser; 5)- open surgery (i.e. anatrophic or radial nephrolithotomy, sinusoidal pyelolithotomy).
Staghorn stones are unquestionably an indi­cation for interventional therapy, since all reports fol­lowing conservative treatment showed a substantially increased rate of nephrectomy (up to 50%) and an increase in associated morbidity (i.e. dialysis); in many cases (up to 28%) the disease resulted in death (5,14). Of course, the choice among the listed treat­ment modalities mainly depends on the specific find­ing of the staghorn stone (i.e. stone classification) (15). On the other hand, further factors such the age of the patient or the function of the stone-bearing kid­ney may be important (Table-3). Finally, it has to be emphasized that these criteria do not allow exact dis­crimination in every case.
Criteria of Success
The goal of any of these procedures is to carry the patient stone-free. However, with the introduc­tion of ESWL particularly in case of larger calculi or stones in the lower caliceal group, even more than 40% of persisting fragments have been accepted (16,17), because in the majority of cases (90%) these asymptomatic fragments proved to be clinically in­significant (CIRF). This means, that these fragments did not induce early stone recurrence, which was dif­ferent to the presence of residual stones in the era of open surgery, particularly in case of infected calculi. This may be attributed to the improved generations of antibiotics, but also to the fact, that the fragmented calculi are better treatable resulting in some residual sterile fragments after ESWL (16,17). Nevertheless, any patient with a treated staghorn stone requires a short a consequent follow-up (18).

Stone burden
Distribution of stone load
central + peripheral
Renal collecting system
narrow / dilated
Chemical composition
No cystine
Indications for ESWL-Monotherapy
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy should be performed in case of minor stone burden, periph­eral stone load (i.e. multiple stone-filled calyces) and a narrow renal collecting system. Moreover, patients with enhanced risk (i.e. cardiosclerosis, respirators problems) or other difficulties related to percutane­ous surgery (i.e. children, urinary diversion) have to undergo ESWL alone
Indicatios for PCNL-Monotherapy
The percutaneous nephrolithotomy in single session can be successfully applied for cases of ma­jor stone burden with central (= pelvic) stone load in an enlarged (= dilated) collecting system (i.e. border­line, and partial staghorn calculi) (Figure-1B). Fur­thermore, slightly opaque or shock wave resistant calculi (i.e. cystine) are candidates for PCNL alone (Figure-3).
Indications for the Combination
The combination of ESWL and PCNL, prin­cipally started by the percutaneous approach, is ap­plied for all cases of major stone burden (i.e. partial and complete staghorn stones) with cen- tral and peripheral stone load. The rationale for the combination therapy is to reduce the morbidity of the PCNL, which is carried out in the majority of cases via one lower pole tract, and the use of ESWL selec­tively for disintegration of those calculi (parts of the staghorn stone) that cannot be reached with the nephroscope (Figure-4).
Indications for Open Surgery
Surgery is a potential treatment option for any staghorn for several reasons. The stone can be removed by a single procedure with comparable stone-free rates. Therefore, some authors still advo­cate open surgical removal in case of complete stag-horn stones (19-22). However, there is the problem of loss of renal function after such extensive surgi­cal interventions like anatrophic intersegmental pyelolithotomy, which has been reported in the range of 30-50% (23). Overall, the residual stone rate af­ter open renal surgery is about 15%, with a 30% stone recurrence rate over 6 years and a 40% risk of urinary tract infections

We have therefore restricted the indications for open surgery to those cases with giant stone bur­den that cannot be reached endoscopically nor by a considerable number of ESWL-treatments or if addi­tional reconstructive surgery (i.e. calicoureterostomy, pyeloplasty) is required, Figure-1D (25). Nephrec-tomy of non-functioning kidneys can be performed laparoscopically (26-27).
Therapeutic Approach
Independently to the following procedure, every patient with a staghorn stone requires antibiotic prophylaxis (i.e. gyrase inhibitors) at least 2 days prior to the intervention. In our series 38% of the patients presented with urinary tract infections prior to the treat­ment (25), 51% of whom were Proteus mirabilis
The techniques of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy have been described in detail previously (28-31). In case of a larger stone (> 2 cm) we recommend the insertion of a double J-stent prior the procedure. This avoids obstruction of the ureter by formation of a steinstrasse, but does not inhibit the passage of frag­ments along the stent (13). Staghorn stones should be first treated at the pelvic part to enable passage of frag­ments, thereafter the upper and middle calyces are fo-cussed leaving the lower pole untreated to avoid that fragments fall into the lower calyces from where fur­ther passage may be prolonged (Figure-3). Depending on the energy setting of the machine, the number per session should not exceed 4000 impulses. The interval between each treatment should be at least 2 days.
This is performed as a one-stage procedure with the patient under general anesthesia using a ret­rograde balloon occlusion catheter placed at the uretero-pelvic junction (12,25). Access is usually through the lower pole posterior calyx with removal of the lower caliceal and pelvic stone burden. In case of major stone burden, we always place an Amplatz sheath down the percutaneous tract. This allows re­moval of larger stone fragments and reduces the risk of pelviocaliceal influx. Only in selective cases (i.e. stones less suitable for ESWL, i.e. cystine), we rec­ommend the puncture of an additional calyx to achieve complete stone clearance in a single PCNL-session (Figure-3). Another option to access stone burden in upper and middle calyces may be the use of a flexible cystoscope together with a holmium or dye laser in­troduced via the Amplatz sheath.
In the combined approach, we principally recommend to start with a debulking PCNL via the lower pole posterior calyx. The puncture of the kid­ney is performed under combined sonographic and fluoroscopic control. On occasion, multiple tracts (maximum 3) can be made, in case of massive stone burden (i.e. in the upper dilated calyx).
Open Surgery
Whereas in our earlier experience the tech­nique of clamping and cooling was used (32,33), we have recently preferred the technique of radial neph-rotomies with intraoperative color-duplex-sonography (7). Other options include extended pyelolithotomy, anatrophic nephrolithotomy or posterior lower neph-rolithotomy. Nowadays, we would not put the same emphasis to achieve complete stone clearance, be­cause minor residual stones can be treated effectively with ESWL.
Comparison with Open Surgery
Our series of open surgery was performed prior to the introduction of ESWL and Endourology,The stone distribution in terms of borderline vs. staghorn stones was similar in both groups, but
the percentage of complete staghorn stones was higher in the open surgery group (Table-6). The blood trans­fusion rate (37% vs. 10%) was significantly higher after open surgery, whereas the rate of fever and other minor side effects did not differ in both groups. Also major complications were observed in a similar rate (7 vs. 8%) as well as hospital stay (17.2 vs. 15.4).
In the follow-up of both groups, there are further significant differences (Table-7): the stone-free rate at discharge after open surgery is signifi-
cantly higher than after ESWL and endourology (80 vs. 31%). In contrast to this, the stone-free rate after 42 respectively 36 months does not differ significantly (72 vs. 60%) but is in favor of the open approach (Figure-6). It is to be noted, on the other hand, that the majority of the remants after the modern tech­niques represent CIRF, whereas the recurrence rate after surgery is significantly higher (20% vs. 7%). Additionally, the reduction of urinary tract infection rate is better after the modern approach (0.51 vs. 0.32 = UTI after/UTI before), Table-7.
The surgical management of urinary stone disease has undergone dramatic changes and seen the implementation of technological innovations that are unsurpassed in the field of urological surgery over the past 20 years. Before these advancements, open surgery was the only surgical option for neph-rolithiasis. In the current era, the first question in the management of any stone usually is whether the situation is amenable to ESWL. This should come
Guidelines for the Treatment of Staghorn Calculi
In this situation, particularly in case of com­plex stones, urologists have to define the indications for selection of the best procedure for treat the indi­vidual stone. The Nephrolithiasis Clinical Guide­lines Panel of the American Urological Association reviewed 110 articles concerned with staghorn cal­culi resulting to the following guidelines (18). The committee believed that a newly diagnosed staghorn was an indication for active treatment. Percutane­ous stone removal, followed by ESWL or repeat PCNL, should be used for most patients with struvite staghorns. Neither ESWL-monotherapy nor open surgery should be used as first-line treatment for staghorns in most patients.
As options PCNL and ESWL are equally effective in treating small-volume staghorns when the renal anatomy is normal or near normal. Also as an option, open surgery is appropriate therapy when the staghorn cannot be managed by any rea­sonable number of PCNL and ESWL sessions, i.e. in case of a giant staghorn. Nephrectomy is a rea­sonable option for a poorly functioning stone-bear­ing kidney.
This summary is in accordance with our pre­viously stated indications (Table-3). It reflects, how­ever, the limitations of further clarifications mainly due to the lack of prospective randomized studies as well as an accepted way to describe staghorns in the literature. We therefore believe that it is impor­tant to focus further on the comparison of the dif­ferent treatment strategies for staghorn stone in the
literature. For this purpose, the changing treatment philosophy and consecutively the criteria of thera­peutic success have to be addressed.
Morbidity of the Treatment
The morbidity of open surgery have been reported extensively in the literature (4,6,21,22,35-40) including fever (26-29%), blood transfusions (14-70%), pneumothorax (5%), recurrent bleeding (4%), septicemia (1%), urinoma/fistula (1%), embolism (2%), flank abscess (2%), flank pain (16%), flank bulge (5%), incisional hernia (2%) and wound infec­tions (4%) with a postoperative hospital stay ranging from 11 to 16 days.
Using the modern approach (3,12,13,15, 25,37-45), the morbidity mainly is associated to per­cutaneous surgery with the need of blood transfusions (5-53%), fever (12-64%), septicemia (2-4%), pneu-mothorax (2%), A-V malformation requiring superselective embolization (1%), flank abscess (1%), and colon perforation (1%). The hospital stay ranged between 9.5 and 18 days.
Our own experience with both methods (Tables-6 and 7) correlates with these data. There is no doubt, that due to the complexity of the disease both approaches are associated with significant side effects. On the other hand, there is sufficient evidence that the overall peri- and postoperative morbidity of ESWL and endourology is significantly less compared to the open approach. The fact that the modern tech­niques require multiple treatment sessions (2.8 vs. 1 session) (18) does not represent a disadvantage, be- cause it has an impact neither on morbidity nor on the hospital stay.
The differences between both approaches are even more pronounced with respect to the long-term complications. Whereas the time to normal activity ranged between 44 to 54 days after open surgery, this was only 21 to 30 days after ESWL plus endourology (38-40). Complete loss of renal function was seen in 2-8% after open surgery associated with a nephrec-tomy rate of 7-14%. Based on these, earlier calcula­tions considered an overall dialysis rate of 5% of all patients with urolithiasis (46,47). The nephrectomy rate in our series was only 2% using the modern ap­proach, and in a follow-up period of 3 years there was no further need of renal ablation due to delayed loss of renal function (Tables-6 and 7). In our per­sonal experience with almost 20 years of multimodal minimally invasive stone management there have been only casuistic cases of stone-related dialysis in the eighties, however, not a single remembered case in the last ten years. This underlines the possibilities of ESWL and endourology to treat and also retreat patients with complicated stone disease without a sig­nificant risk of loss of renal function.
Residual Fragments
When open surgery was the standard treat­ment for the management of renal calculi, the pres­ence of residual fragments suggested a failed proce­dure, even those remaining fragments were small. Because residual calculi may act as a nidus for recur­rent stone formation, complete stone removal was the principal goal of therapy. The introduction of extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy, however, shed a new perspective on this century-old concept, minimizing the importance of postprocedural residual fragments.
Nevertheless, in the last decade the main goal of PCNL and ESWL treatment was to achieve a com­plete stone-free status ignoring the fact that more and more patients benefit from successful stone disinte­gration but with minor asymptomatic residual frag­ments, the so called “clinically insignificant residual fragments” = CIRF (Table-5). Of course, the accep­tance of this change of therapeutic endpoints would have a major impact on treatments strategies for all complex stones. Some authors do not accept the CIRF-theory in case of complex stones because the major­ity of calculi are associated with infection of the uri­nary tract and consist of struvite with a high risk of persisting infection and stone recurrence (19). This is true for open surgery: the stone free rates at dis­charge are significantly higher (80-93%) than after the modern techniques (19-37%). However, after 3 months these figures are rising up to 67-78%. Our long-term experience after three years revealed an overall stone-free rate of 60%, which was not statis­tically significant from the 72% stone-free rate after open surgery. Subsequently, the recurrence rate was significantly higher after open surgery (20% vs. 7%) (Table-7).
Moreover, about 3 quarters (46 of 61) of the residual fragments were asymptomatic (= CIRF) in our series, which has been found recently by other authors, too (42). In both series, more than 50% of stones consisted of struvite, however, the rate of uri­nary tract infection could be significantly reduced (i.e. from 35% to 11%). The ratio UTI after/UTI before was significantly higher after open surgery than when using ESWL and endourology (0.51 vs. 0.32) (Table-7). There may be several reasons to explain these find­ing: 1)- residual fragments are better reachable for antibiotic drugs than residual stones which still may contain bacteria; 2)- the quality of antibiotics (i.e. gyrase inhibitors) has improved; 3)- the operative trauma to the collecting system as well as to the renal parenchyma is significantly less after PCNL plus ESWL than after open surgery.
Anatomical criteria of the lower caliceal sys­tem (i.e. length of the caliceal neck, pelvic-caliceal angle) may help to predict the chance of complete stone clearance (48,49). Nevertheless, one has to ac­cept the fact, that even in case of complex stone the majority of residual fragments after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are or may become clinically insignificant (= CIRF) and only about 10-15% require further treatment (= SIRF). This has been in accor­dance to a recent review of the literature concerning more than 14,000 patients (50).
In contrast to this, persisting infection still remains one of the main problems after open surgery

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